Brand new Day by The Disenchanted (2024)

Brand new Day by The Disenchanted (1)

Brand new Day

The Disenchanted

Seen livePunkHardcorePunk rock90's

The Disenchanted formed in the fall of 1995 because, frankly, there was lit… Read Full Bio ↴The Disenchanted formed in the fall of 1995 because, frankly, there was little else to do at SUNY Albany. Kurt and Les met the year before - thanks to a canary yellow devil's lock and a Sausage t-shirt, respectively - and began playing simple punk songs under a variety of silly names. Ben was introduced by a friend in the spring of 94 and when it turned out he too would be at Albany in the fall, Kurt and Les quickly drafted his diabetic shred skills into the band.

The problems of finding a decent drummer began to wear down the trio – now christened the Disenchanted - when that fall, Les met a guy who knew a guy that knew REA. Sure, he looked like a big ole hippie, what with the shaggy hair and beard and all, but goddamn could that boy play the drums! REA proved to be the missing piece and by January 1996, we were ready for our debut at the Huntington YMCA in Huntington, Long Island with Furious George, Striped Basstards, Time Alone and Funbox Band.

From there, we stormed back to the Capital District, landing a headlining gig at the now-defunct Bogie's by just our sixth show. Requests for our demo began pouring in from all corners of the country – how in the hell did it get to New Mexico or Puerto Rico? - and a split 7-inch with the 22's was followed soon by “The Other White Trash” on Angry, Young and Poor records.

In January of 1998 we recorded “How Can We Lose When We're So Sincere?” in a basem*nt in Albany. It was released on Motherbox Records and that summer, we aimed south in an old, beater of a van (affectionately named Jean Claude Damn Van) for the Summer Better Than Others tour.

Summer of 1999 found us cruising halfway across the country on the It's Not The Heat It's The Futility tour. Tension tore at the band as different lives pulled us in different directions, but we channeled it into a stack of new songs and a stop at the Creep House at the tour's end led to plans for a new record to be recorded that winter.

In January of 2000, we played what would be our final show, a marathon gig opening for Murphy's Law – at their request - at Valentine's in Albany. With weather problems holding back the headliners, we pulled out all the stops, debuting new songs, playing old favorites and a sh*t ton of covers until Murphy's Law finally arrived.

Later that month, we gathered at the Creep House to record “Even Atheists and Communists Pray (In Their Blasphemy),” recording the album over a series of weekends. But by the end of recording and mixing, the same tensions within the band that kept it going boiled over and we went our separate ways, dooming “Atheists and Communists” to a shelf somewhere in the basem*nt of the Creep House.

REA and Ben went on to form Celebrity Roast before going on to Kung Fury and The Isles, respectively. Kurt continues to hold down the fort in Albany playing with To Hell and Back while Les emigrated to Seattle and played in the short-lived SamsonKnight Feathergun.

We want to thank all those who supported us through the years, came to the shows, let us sleep on their floors and helped keep DIY punk alive. And perhaps if there is enough of an outcry ... a reunion?
Anything is possible, right?


Jump to: Overall Meaning ↴Line by Line Meaning ↴

it's raining on the other side of these walls. the thunder reminds us of the times we hoped for nothing but storms and creepy fishing boats to sink. we wave sometimes to pretend that nothing is changing. but you've gone on and i've gone off to get lost and devistated. the lightning is lighting up the land. the bright light reminds me that my night life is crumbling when the pitch black begins to lose its pitch. but devistation is not the same thing as disaster. one's all smiles, one's all laughter. top it off. clap and cough. feel the rough. this is the little stuff. trees are snapping. trash is slapping my windows. i'm mapping out the stuff that the wind blows. he's blowing kisses. she's making fists. he's sinking boats. it's sinking in. she knows that things are changing.

Overall Meaning

The lyrics of The Disenchanted's song Brand New Day paint a picture of tumultuous emotions in the face of change. The opening lines "it's raining on the other side of these walls. the thunder reminds us of the times we hoped for nothing but storms and creepy fishing boats to sink" set a bleak tone that resurfaces throughout the song. The singer acknowledges that change is happening but tries to pretend that it isn't. This denial is short-lived, however, as the lightning strikes and reminds the singer that their "night life is crumbling" and that things are not as they once were.

The following lines, "but devastation is not the same thing as disaster. one's all smiles, one's all laughter," seem to suggest that although change can be painful and difficult, it does not necessarily have to be the end of the world. The singer continues to describe the chaos around them—the snapping trees, slapping trash, and sinking boats—before concluding with "she knows that things are changing." Despite the chaos and emotional turmoil, there is a sense of acceptance that comes through in the final line.

Overall, Brand New Day seems to be a meditation on the nature of change and the difficulty we face in accepting it. The lyrics suggest that change can be painful and uncomfortable, but also that it is a necessary part of life.

Line by Line Meaning

it's raining on the other side of these walls.
The sadness and hardship is present everywhere, not just in our immediate surroundings.

the thunder reminds us of the times we hoped for nothing but storms and creepy fishing boats to sink.
We used to wish for things to disappear, but now we realize the futility of such desires.

we wave sometimes to pretend that nothing is changing.
We put on a facade of stability, but deep down we know that everything is in flux.

but you've gone on and i've gone off to get lost and devistated.
We've gone on separate paths and feel lost and destroyed without each other.

the lightning is lighting up the land.
The harsh reality of the situation is becoming more apparent and emblazoned in our minds.

the bright light reminds me that my night life is crumbling when the pitch black begins to lose its pitch.
Our previously stable and comforting life is crumbling and becoming more harsh and unforgiving.

but devistation is not the same thing as disaster.
While we may be devastated, there is still hope to rebuild and move forward.

one's all smiles, one's all laughter.
The contrast between the past and the present couldn't be greater.

top it off. clap and cough. feel the rough. this is the little stuff.
Despite the difficult times, we must learn to appreciate the small moments and simple pleasures of life.

trees are snapping. trash is slapping my windows. i'm mapping out the stuff that the wind blows.
The chaos and destruction around us is almost overwhelming, but we try to make sense of it all.

he's blowing kisses. she's making fists. he's sinking boats. it's sinking in.
People are reacting in different ways to the turmoil, but the gravity of the situation is sinking in for all.

she knows that things are changing.
Despite how much we may try to resist it, change is inevitable and happening all around us.

Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind

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Brand new Day by The Disenchanted (2024)
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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

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Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.