XCI vs NSP. What are the differences? (2025)





Level 1

Feb 19, 2015
XCI vs NSP. What are the differences? (2)
  • May 29, 2021
  • #1

I am new to the Switch hacking scene and am having some issues. I used NXdumptool to rip Mario Odyssey from the gamecard. The options were "NX card image (XCI)" or "Nintendo Submission Package (NSP)". I chose XCI not knowing what the major/minor differences between the two were. After choosing, you can adjust some settings or start the dump. (what is "keep certificate", and why is it auto unchecked?). I started the dump. After it dumped, it was in 2 files because of the fat32 split. At this point, I have absolutely no idea how to play this game dump. I tried Gold Leaf and Awoo installer and just cannot figure out how to have it recognized. This is what makes me ask these questions.

What is the difference between XCI and NSP?
Which format is preferred and why?
Can you play online at all without getting banned using one of these formats?
What are the pros and cons of each format?
Thanks for your answers in advance! Also, if you have any other recommendations regarding Switch Homebrew apps and such I'm all ears.

  • XCI vs NSP. What are the differences? (3)




Well-Known Member


Level 10

Jan 9, 2012
XCI vs NSP. What are the differences? (5)
  • May 29, 2021
  • #2

All are containers to game files.

.XCI is like a clone to the gamecard. think .iso being a clone from a disc.
.nsp is a dump from digital game. smaller than xci, without garbage files.
.nsz is like nsp, but with smaller file sizes than .nsp, in most cases.

Last edited by almmiron,

  • XCI vs NSP. What are the differences? (6)


Leobgood, Waddleclaws, regendpogi and 2 others


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Level 23

Aug 6, 2017
New York City
XCI vs NSP. What are the differences? (8)
  • Jun 5, 2021
  • #3

NightDweller said:

I am new to the Switch hacking scene and am having some issues. I used NXdumptool to rip Mario Odyssey from the gamecard. The options were "NX card image (XCI)" or "Nintendo Submission Package (NSP)". I chose XCI not knowing what the major/minor differences between the two were. After choosing, you can adjust some settings or start the dump. (what is "keep certificate", and why is it auto unchecked?). I started the dump. After it dumped, it was in 2 files because of the fat32 split. At this point, I have absolutely no idea how to play this game dump. I tried Gold Leaf and Awoo installer and just cannot figure out how to have it recognized. This is what makes me ask these questions.

What is the difference between XCI and NSP?
Which format is preferred and why?
Can you play online at all without getting banned using one of these formats?
What are the pros and cons of each format?
Thanks for your answers in advance! Also, if you have any other recommendations regarding Switch Homebrew apps and such I'm all ears.

  • .XCI files are dumps of cartridges while .NSP files are packaged dumps of digital content such as anything from the eShop
  • There is no preferred format however they are treated very similarly when it comes to Atmosphere since you can only install both formats with that CFW. When it comes to SX OS, you have the option to mount the .XCI files which has the advantage of saving you the installation time at the cost of some speed and storage space
  • You risk getting banned regardless if you use .XCI or .NSP files
  • XCI vs NSP. What are the differences? (9)


Leobgood, Waddleclaws and NightDweller


The patches guy


Level 22

Oct 14, 2018
XCI vs NSP. What are the differences? (11)
  • Jun 5, 2021
  • #4

almmiron said:

.nsp is compressed dump from digital game. smaller than xci, without garbage files.

NSP are not compressed. XCIs are just packed in two ways - as 1:1 with null data at the end or without them. NSP is packed without any ending nulls always.


Well-Known Member


Level 10

Jan 9, 2012
XCI vs NSP. What are the differences? (13)
  • Jun 5, 2021
  • #5

masagrator said:

NSP are not compressed. XCIs are just packed in two ways - as 1:1 with null data at the end or without them. NSP is packed without any ending nulls always.

as I Understand is kind of compressed, with bunch of game files .nca inside. I'm sure it has a more adequated term to use.

  • XCI vs NSP. What are the differences? (14)




The patches guy


Level 22

Oct 14, 2018
XCI vs NSP. What are the differences? (16)
  • Jun 5, 2021
  • #6

almmiron said:

as I Understand is kind of compressed, with bunch of game files .nca inside. I'm sure it has a more adequated term to use.

Compressed means it's using compression.

NSP is an uncompressed archive type, storing files in blob with header. No compression involved.
The same NSZ. It's in real NSP, but it's used to show easily that it stores NCZ, which are zstd compressed NCA.

I can understand saying that NSZ is compressed to explain it simpler. But saying that NSP is compressed is completely false.

Last edited by masagrator,

  • XCI vs NSP. What are the differences? (17)


zPatnln201 and almmiron
XCI vs NSP. What are the differences? (2025)


XCI vs NSP. What are the differences? ›

Are you a cartridge purist, seeking the full experience (and a slightly larger download)? Go for the XCI. But if speed and convenience are your jam, the NSP is your digital download destiny. Remember, this is just the tip of the iceberg (or should we say, the Korok seed?).

What does NSP and XCI mean? ›

NSP is what the eShop uses to install a game or update. While XCI is a game cartridge dump. You can use either of them. But in both cases when you install game updates (which are always in NSP format because they're acquired through the eShop), you need to make sure the update matches the game's region.

What is the difference between XCI and NCP? ›

In summary, NPC and XCI files are different types of files that serve different purposes on the Nintendo Switch. NPC files are used to identify and manage game titles, while XCI files are used to back up and install game cartridges on a custom firmware.

What does nsp mean in an emulator? ›

NSP stands for “Nintendo Submission Package.” It is file format used by Nintendo for distributing and installing games, updates and DLC (Downloadable Content) on Nintendo Switch system. NSP files are essentially containers that contain all necessary data and assets for particular game or content.

What is the difference between NSP and NSZ? ›

NSP files are standard format for Nintendo Switch game files. They are essentially raw, uncompressed files. NSZ files are compressed versions of Nintendo Switch game files. They are essentially NSP files that have undergone compression to reduce their size.

Which one is better, XCI or NSP? ›

It depends, brave gamer!

Are you a cartridge purist, seeking the full experience (and a slightly larger download)? Go for the XCI. But if speed and convenience are your jam, the NSP is your digital download destiny.

What is an NSP? ›

A business entity that provides or sells services such as network access and bandwidth by allowing access into its backbone infrastructure or access to its network access points (NAP), which consequently also means access to the Internet.

Can yuzu run nsp? ›

nsp. Put it in your folder of the game, then open yuzu. To install it, follow the steps in this gif. If it says that it is already installed, your ROM likely already has that DLC/Update preinstalled, don't worry, if it breaks the game, just follow the steps in the next section.

What can you do with XCI files? ›

XCI files are specifically designed for use with Nintendo Switch gaming console; can be played on Nintendo Switch using custom firmware called SX OS which can be loaded onto console using Xecuter SX Pro tool. SX OS enables you to play Nintendo Switch homebrew applications and XCI backup files.

What is the full form of NSP in gaming? ›

The Nvidia Shield Portable (Nvidia Shield or NSP) is a handheld game console developed by Nvidia, released on July 31, 2013.

What is a ROM NSP? ›

An NSP extension refers to a Nintendo Submission Package, a game file. Nintendo Switch and its emulators use the format. These files may store several elements such as the game ROM, its icon, metadata containing the description, and several updates.

Can you play nsp files on Nintendo Switch? ›

Game Installation: For NSP files, use Tinfoil or Awoo Installer to install games directly onto your Switch. For XCI files, Awoo Installer is recommended due to its support for both formats.

What are NSZ files used for? ›

NSZ files are used for serial programming. An NSZ file is a collection of records.

Can you use NSZ on Ryujinx? ›

Note: When downloading, you might be presented with three file types. NSP, XCI, and NSZ. Yuzu and Ryujinx do not support NSZ, so don't download that.

What is the difference between NSP and ISP? ›

A network service provider (NSP) is a company that owns, operates and sells access to Internet backbone infrastructure and services. The primary customers of NSPs are other service providers, including internet service providers (ISPs), which, in turn, sell internet access to businesses and consumers.

What does NSP fibre stand for? ›

Dietary fibre is often referred to as non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) fibre or as AOAC fibre.

What does NSP stand for Pokemon? ›

In the red corner, we have the sleek and sophisticated NSP (standing for "Nintendo Switch Package"). Imagine it as a neatly wrapped gift containing all the files a game needs, from its shiny icon to its epic soundtrack.

Can I run NSP files on switch? ›

Game Installation: For NSP files, use Tinfoil or Awoo Installer to install games directly onto your Switch. For XCI files, Awoo Installer is recommended due to its support for both formats.

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